I live in many different worlds; a world described in letters, one translated into frames, another consisting of chords and melodies. They are all very good, but in the end, our reality is the one world we need to live in. There is a time to escape, to live a journey of a different time, a different place, with different people, yet, it’s a dream we eventually wake up from, no matter how long we sleep.
Take my world of books, for example. Ink, put to paper, creating another setting on each page. All these people you can get to know, so many friends to accompany on travels I would never dare to take in my world of reality. There is a possibility to go back in time, stand on a balcony with Juliette, to wait for her Romeo or find adventure with Finn and Sawyer. Jay Gatsby taught me that lies don’t get you anywhere and there will always be hopeless romantics roaming this earth. Frankenstein showed the fine line between life and death, the impossibility to achieve omnipotence without losing a love for life. My world of books is a great one, which seems endless and full of possibilities, but every time a story has finished, reality hits harder with every affair that has come to an end.
A world of Drama
Then there is my world of film. The greatest love stories put into small pieces of emotion and feelings. Dramatic figures dance down fairy tales that seem to always go wrong halfway through, to close into a happy ending, each and every time. Private Ryan enduring the horrors of World War II, heroically saved with a sacrifice he is not sure he is worth. A famous actress falling for a bookstore owner after an accidental meeting, in central London and when both have made mistakes, true love wins. There are many scrips written and played out, focussing on friendship, greed, jealousy, evil and love. All these scenes and lines taught me different aspects of the world we live in, but when those credits roll, the sentiment starts to fade away. Back in reality, stories don’t always have a happy ending, no matter how hard we try.
Melodies make the Man
Lastly, my world of music, created from the tunes that speak to me the most and dig up nostalgic moments, memories I’d like to hold on to and convince me of a love that is still out there. Shakira said that hips don’t lie, the king of pop said to heal the world, John Legend that we’re just ordinary people. Lyrics either touch you or they don’t. Melodies can make you smile, like Mayer’s guitarwork does for me. But when a song ends, and not another one begins, there is silence, the silence of your own world, back on earth.
The world of God
I love all my created worlds, and I love the different me that I am in all these worlds. But there is no endless living in those. In this world, the one where you’ll return to when the sentences on this page stop, there is the possibility of an endless life. Besides the worlds of books, films and music, I believe in the World of God, the bible and heaven. I chose His world over all the other world, which promises me a life beyond words, frames and melodies. An endless world.